Interior Update: Schlafzimmer

Klare Linien, gedeckte Farben und ein Hauch von Boho. So habe ich mein Schlafzimmer zu meiner kleinen Wohlfühl-Oase gemacht.

Kaum zu glauben, aber nun wohne ich bereits seit über sechs Monaten in Klagenfurt. Ein halbes Jahr in meiner neuen Wohnung. Und endlich ist nun auch mein Schlafzimmer zu dem Ort geworden, den ich mir gewünscht habe. Meine eigene kleine…

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8 Paris Photo Spots You Can’t Miss

Paris is, without doubt, one of the most picturesque cities in Europe. The stunning architecture, romantic atmosphere and adorable cafes make up this beautiful city. And literally every corner you turn could possibly be the perfect photo spot. But not…

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Amsterdam City Guide

Amsterdam has been on my travel bucket list for the last couple of years. Somehow, though, it never really worked out. This week, however, I finally made it to the charming Dutch capital and can now safely say that it…

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Scarabeo Camp, Marrakech

My trip to Marrakech has been an absolute dream. It truly was an experience I will cherish forever. Put into a jar and conserve it for the rest of the time. What made the travel so incomparable to every other…

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Marrakech Travel Guide

After seeing it all over Instagram and various blogs for the past couple of years, Marrakech has found its way on top of my travel bucket list. Thus, I was really looking forward to this trip. Marrakech is home to…

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Bali Budget Guide

I often get asked how much money I need while being in Bali. The thing is, there is no one answer to that question. From luxury hotels to cheap hostels, fancy beach clubs and beers on the beach – it…

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